Thursday, May 26, 2011


I could not love this dress more.  It is without a doubt one of my favourite vintage finds.  This is one little dress that I will keep forever.

IMG_0167 IMG_5353

I had been looking for something perfect for Ivy to wear for her first birthday party and had even thought that I might buy something new (something I very rarely do!!).  I had a couple of options for her, but nothing that I loved.  I went into my local op shop on the day before her birthday and with my crazy vintage-finding luck, saw this perfect dress sitting on top of a whole lot of bags being unpacked.  Oh, I love it.


I will be linking this up to Hart & Sews Little Vintage Style again.  There are some pretty cute little vintage wearing kids out there!


  1. I can see whay you love it so much - it's totally adorable!
    The other dress is pretty special too what a treasure seeing as it once belonged to you!

  2. both dresses are darling! hope some of your crazy vintage-finding luck rubs off on me :)


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